flying south

it's adult spring break time! 
cheers bitches.
I'm checking out for the remainder of the week. 
First a stop in Savannah,
then heading on to Hilton Head. 
I haven't been to our house in Hilton Head 
for almost 3 years so I am a giddy girl. 
it's too bad it'll be too chilly for me to rock
my dance moves on the beach.

I'm also super excited to pick this up at the airport
smiling faces with SEX ADDICT written across the cover just 
makes me laugh my ass off. 
Lindsey Vonn and RiRi should just become best friends.
They have THE BEST choices in men.
I'm soooo jealous.... aren't you? 

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wishlist wednesday

lusts for the week...... 










off to pack for vacation! 
more sweaters than open back dresses for the beach 
but there's a magical way to make it warm - 
lots of pinot grigio. 


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Weekend Recap + Monogram Monday

I hope you all had a great weekend!
I was indoors for most of it 

trapped in a glass case of emotion,
much like Tilda Swinton

seriously?!  what is this?! 
she is the strangest human ever. 

Anyways, I had a mini movie weekend. I watched Pitch Perfect {which I loved} on Friday, and This is 40 with my boyfriend Paul Rudd on Sunday night.  
Please Lord Jesus, let me have her body and her boobs when I am 40.

I snuck out for dinner for a tiny bit on Saturday night,

and wore one of my blazers that's been getting a lot of use lately.

 It is on sale on Piperlime, only $69.99

I also downloaded Mr. JT's album,
and am happy he will be joining me during my lengthy commute. 
Vacation in 3 days! 
How was your weekend? 


*sorry for the weird spacing I can't figure out why it's doing that?

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Saturday Shopping

I don't know how
but I had never heard of findersKEEPERS

they have amazing dresses, and most with a great price point too. 


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Friday Five

We made it to Friday! 

Elizabeth tagged me in the Five Things 
posts that have been going around...
this was harder than I thought it would be to think of things because everything sounded so dumb when I typed it out!
anyways, here it goes: 

If you ever catch me doing kareoke, I have alcohol poisoning and need to be taken to the hospital. Immediately.  I think Im an extremely extroverted introvert.  I will never and have never raised my hand to speak and turn bright red even speaking in front of a group of my closest loved ones. The thought of Karaoke on stage with people looking at me gives me heart palpitations. 

I lived alone in Scottsdale, Arizona for work for about 5 months when I was 22 and turned 23.  I was the only person in the office, spent my days and nights alone, and couldn't really do much - I was raised to be way too paranoid to ever go for a hike by myself on my days off.  Other than when my family came to visit it was me, myself, and I.  I think those 5 months had the biggest and best impact on my twenties. And I got a killer tan.

I am a queen of putting things off. Big and Little.  I make lists of things I would love to do and need to do and want to do.  Learn to speak this language, travel to this place, cook this dish this weekend, organize this drawer, do this DIY, call and schedule this appointment that is 6 months late.  I really need to lock. it. up. and do shit. But I know I won't. 

I love scars.  I had a rather large tumor removed from my breast when I was 15, and when the doctor was assuring me about the scar healing and fading over time, I told him not to try too hard.  It was a great excuse for being as flat as board after all!  My man friend probably has the best scars.  He has 9 lives.  One of these was a very serious bike accident that left him with a bike handle in his head and a titanium plate in there today.  He has scars all over the place around his hairline, and dents in his forehead.  I think they are the cutest things ever.

I used to/still do have an age complex.  I always looked much younger than I was, and it would get to the point where my mom would have to run into the restaurant (I later found out) as my dad parked and tell the hostess not to offer me the children's menu.  I would be 16 and offered the kids menu. And it would devastate me. People assuming I was years and years younger than I was always drove me insane.  After college at work, there were numerous occasions where people were assholes because I looked so young.  But as I write this, I realize it hasn't happened much in the last year..... so damn... maybe now I look old?  The grass is always greener.

happy weekend my loves.


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Coffee Talk has to have a slight delay this week.... 

It's the final countdown as I prepare for the boards next week.
I'll have some sarcastic and bitchy comments soon, 
when I take a break from hitting myself in the face
hitting the books.

until then, check out a this great collection of 
Adrienne gif's as we bid her bitch ass adieu. 

and some gifs describing my thoughts and feelings.

what I wish right now: 
how I feel right now:

but then
when I want to give up
big ang pulls me through:

god bless you, big ang. 
reality tv stars can be so poetic. 
right when you least suspect it.

and ps.
that'll wake me up when I start to nod off. 


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Wishlist Wednesday: Spring Edition

Happy First Day of Spring!
oh wait.....spring?
 it's 20 degrees in Chicago.
I'm. Ready. To. Lose. My. Mind.
I am heading South next week for vacation,
and have been checking the weather nonstop.
Currently, this jackass of a cold front looks like it is going to show it's face there too.
I will flip a shit if this occurs.
too far?
Since it WILL be warm or I'll go bat shit crazy,
here are my spring lusts for the week:

The perfect cream blazer

any of these dresses in any cut or color

p.s. she looks just like blake lively?? 
ok.... that is a Serena.
they totally hired her because she
looks like blake lively. 

mara hoffman continues with 
the cute ruffled suits

white, lace, and an open back?
my three favorite things
and all for under $100

floral blue scarf

dress up or down, with leather detail

the perfect summer top
available in black or white
(and her fabric is the most comfortable thing ever}

pink + gingham = warm weather

whatever happened to global warming?
or last year's winter!?


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