discuss amongst ya-selves......
RHOBH is my favorite of all the Housewives.
Not a whole lot happened in this first episode... but the season looks like it's going to be a good one.
The husbands seem to get awfully bitchy with eachother and drop alot of f-bombs.
Adrienne's flowers: holy hell.
They looked like her make-up, hair, and outfits: tacky as hell and cheap, but unfortunately you know it cost a fortune.
kathy hilton looks like kim richards mother.
you know you've done something wrong when your alcoholic/drug abusing sister looks like your daughter because you look that old.
p.s. i miss the gay bull-mastiff and the crazy diary confessional with the pink silk turtleneck already
brandi and lisa being bff's still doesn't make any sense to me?
lisa's closet on the other hand......
be still my beating heart
I mean...... good god.
and the verdict is still out on yolanda....
although... she chose to only drink water at the villa blanca party and made a big sha-bang about it... so for that, she's no good to me. especially around that group of gals,
or any day ending in -y,
you need booze. everyone knows that.
can't believe snooki tweeted with no make-up.
even more shocking: and no leopard or zebra print.
has hell frozen over?
seriously? is this really happening?
this makes absolutely no sense to me at all.
other than the fact that he seems like hes a man whore, and well, she most likely gets around.
where has carmen electra been for the last .... hmm.... forever?
dear lord, please let me look like this when I'm pregnant.
actually... i'll just take the whole thing now.
with that face and those legs I could totally
talk my way out of the giant belly.
these genes seriously amaze me. it just doesn't make sense.
I don't know why this is so cute to me,
but Victoria Beckham in flats is shorter than her 13 year old son
I think this has to be the first time she's ever been seen in flats??
howwww did I just find out that the crazy 16 year old country bride that married the 51 tear old acting creep are on a television show?
I saw a clip of them on The Soup and I need to set Couples Therapy to DVR immediately. they make the most messed up couple look like june and ward cleaver.
then. i just went to google to find a pic... and guess who else is on this:
i know what i'll be doing on sunday.....
dear rihanna and chris brown,
you can name your song "nobodies business" but all that is doing is drawing even more attention to you two. we really don't care anymore. your dumb ass can be with him all you want.
ps i do like your music even though you are a complete and utter moron.
they should start double dating with more idiots,
first the disturbing perfume ad for Chanel No.5
{and I must say, the SNL parody was perfection}
and now you are designing furniture?
seriously, brad.
just shave your face pubes, cut your hair, and stick to what you do best:
acting and looking incredibly gorgeous onscreen, which is nothing like the homeless man you choose to look like in your personal life.
Leo - enough is enough
just pick one gorgeous model and stick with her already.
and now,
I leave you with my calming matra of the day
Aaaa eee-eee iiii oooo-oooo uuuuuu.
his outfits were too amazing not to believe in his voo-doo.
if only this pic displayed his yellow pants with his little boys mc-hammer black high-tops.
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